Wednesday, December 17, 2014

MHMS Cross Country Poster

Hey everybody! I recently finished the poster for Merrol Hyde Magnet School Cross Country. Check it out below (sorry it's a screen shot), or if you attend MHMS, then go to the senior hallway and check it out as well as the other sports while you're there. Thanks everybody!


We were asked to write our thoughts from the following: "Technology challenges us to assert our human values, which means that first of all we have to figure out what they are. Technology is neither good nor bad, it’s powerful and complicated. Take advantage of what it can do, but also ask what it’s doing to us. We can slowly find the balance, but it will take time."

To start, I use technology a lot every day, but I have never been a big fan of technology. As useful as it is, I believe we are not considering the risks of these powerful devices. I think it makes us more vulnerable as a country, seeing that everyone and the country itself relies on technology to get them through the day. What if it was all taken away from us? Scary thought, but very possible.

Someone told me that the Russians hacked into our entire electronic network many years back (more than likely during or after a war) that included defense networks, power grid, and everything else electronic. This really scared me and I still wonder if we will ever see the day where we are just standing there and the lights, power, and phone lines go down. It would be incredible chaos for this country and may be shocking enough to ruin it.

We do not fully understand the use of technology; there is so much more to learn. So do we really have control over this powerful force? Maybe, maybe not, but what do I know....I'm just a guy ranting on a piece of technology. The only way we can tell if technology is good or bad is with time. Let’s just be hopeful that time is on our side.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Prompt: "How my life will be different because of the events of 9/11."

     On this tragic day, thirteen years ago, America changed forever. I do not remember the pain and suffering of that time but I hear the stories and I can understand the changes. America lost its security that day and will never be the same again. Now my generation must live in a country with anxiety. We will always wonder what others are doing or where they come from. It is really upsetting to know that our citizens will have to worry till the end of time. Some say it is for the best, but I really would have loved to see a day when there was little worry.
     In today's world, cameras are one of the biggest topics of our society. It is normal to have cameras on the block or in a mall, watching and judging every person that walks underneath them. These devices are one of the only things that help us sleep at night, knowing that these cameras have one eye open at night.
     Airports may very well be the biggest change America has undergone. Now, the airports trust no one and consider every man, woman, and child a threat. I have grown up with these strict airports and now I very rarely will fly because of these circumstances.

Freedom is not free.

To everyone involved with 9/11, the firefighters and everyone who lost their lives including those families, God Bless. And NEVER forget 9/11.

Friday, August 22, 2014

*This is a school assignment and the topic is on the Michael Brown case. Please do not view if you are sensitive to this topic and others opinions.*

Michael Brown Vs Ferguson Police

     For our school assignment we were asked to write responding to the following question : "Is violence necessary in protest to get one's point across?" It is very upsetting that people must ponder this question. If anything, violence in protest makes it worse. I have watched many videos on "protesters" vandalizing liquor, convenient, and clothing stores and sit there and ask "why?" over and over. Many people are flying or driving from towns around the area just to riot in the streets. There is no relevance between looting and the Michael brown case; many are just finding an excuse to get "free stuff".
     I really pity some of the people in the town right now. Shop owners have had their shops looted and burned. They do not want any part of these fights, yet people volunteer them for the position. I am sure people against the fighting are looking for a peaceful solution.
     While I talk on and on about the riots, I must include the people who are trying to protest peacefully and the ones trying to film the situation. I know many people right now are upset because the military police are tear-gassing many "peaceful" civilians, but please do not blame these men and women. The military police have been put into a situation where "everyone is dangerous". I agree with protesting peacefully, but that is hard to do with the current situation in Ferguson. I also know that there are going to be many people out there asking, "Well, what about the reporters getting gassed?" I do have my ideas with the rights of the press and I am on both the reporters and the military police side but i will not travel down that path for now.
     The main idea that I am trying to get across is that you do not need violence to relay a point. It is , in my opinion, childish and selfish for those rioting in his/her own town. Let that sink in. Many of these people are destroying their own town. The investigation has not even reached a conclusion, yet people have made up there mind on both sides. I am dearly sorry to both Michael and the officer, and I hope that others can show their feelings by respecting the town of Ferguson and its people. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

New Blog Page

     Hi everyone! My name is Adam Sanders and this is my first blogger account. A little bit about me is that I am an outdoors man and little of a technology man; Actually, this is some of the only technology that I will accept to use. I love music and anything with a motor. I look forward to experimenting with this messaging center and hearing from you guys. Thanks!